I silently parse the feelings hidden into words,
Using each step I take to feel out a new tomorrow with a strong, unfaltering gaze. However, this path is leading me to a maze.
I want to be someone who can accept any future that comes; that infamous person that despises myself.
My identity is not the true entity.
It may seem tremendous and stupendous but can be also horrendous.
I can’t look back now at this perpetual world that keeps recurring catastrophes and tragedies.
We see these grotesque facial distortions but just watch and let it pass. I thought there were four but there were no more.
Now I give way to my dashing momentum, toward to an expanding world, always hearing that monotonous, tedious, and treacherous tone.
Believing there’s an answer within this changing fate.
The unchanging dream I drew out so vividly that day, this pensive nightmare won’t overcome me.
Will surely take me past the limits I felt.
If I use an unwavering voice, I’m sure it will be heard;
At least until I arrive there myself.
The answers that come pouring out validate this unyielding wish, but those complicit people always cause chaos than being benevolent.
Always concealed and trapped in this solitude space.
And the song free of lies that is born from it creates powerful footprints in rhythm.
I’ll forget the me who managed by deliberately not to notice,
And head for a place that I can simply shine.
I’ll connect the rift between wavering emotions and deleterious pain. These aristocracies cause plenty of atrocities.
Heading toward the far off scenery I drew a straight line to the perpetrator but will eradicating help?
Even if my illusions and my neuroses come back to back,
I’m aiming for the moment I can take it all in hand and defend these adversities.
Set it on repeat, infinitely getting closer and closer;
Reaching my hand out to a distant, blurry sky.
Amidst whispering rain, the sound of my heart comes to fruition, kindly wrapping me tight. I greatly appreciate this adoration and your admiration.
The more I was hurt, the more I sought after it; the promise I made back then continues on…
You always receive but you also deceive.
All this hatred and ignominy and me acting moronic. This cruel destiny disgusted either I have my life with my psychosis mind or leave this earth. Our life expectancy can be low but we can't blow our expectations. I know at some point I will release my final breath. Not for all this death.
Through all the dreaded dead.
Through all these dreaded years.
We face our inevitable and occurring fears.
As faime corrodes us, violence is not silence and death is not our immediate fate as one awaits and is a relief for many, a detrimental and dreadful empathy, but a end to all...
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Slice of Life: Arguments and disputes
Past couple of days my mom and step dad had been settling with plenty of complaints to each other. There hasn't been to much yelling at each other but noting that conflicting or major yet. Anyway, today was an interesting an mind boggling with what occured today. Basically the landlords from downstairs came to discuss somthing with my parents. My step dad didn't agree with what they said and as usual you would of expected yelling and uncivilized talking. I didn't even know that my landlords had so much intensity inside them and tumultuous voices. I was in disbelief when they were yelling, I couldn't really infer or interpret what they were brutally talking about. I think it was somthing about the rent and the messages, I'm not really sure? I despise hearing and noticing these stressful disputes. I know at some point in our life we all have to face this cruel and these disgusting arguments or escalating into somthing more than that. Overall, today was a unpleasant and horrid day but not as worst, because everyone cool down by doing somthing serenely or tranquil. So as of right now we might be moving in 2 months since the landlords might want us out of here after my step dads talk with them. But I know it will get better later on. I'II just have to wait and see what the future beholds and how the outcome can be remarkable. I wanted to write this blog to get my feelings out for today as the past few days ago. Thanks for reading and bye!
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Atrocities In Our World
There are plenty of causalities around the globe and you may already hear about some of them. Global warming, famine, scarity/poverty, overpopulation, war's etc. There are just innumerable of abundance of these issues that occur around us every second. But, by changing our acts now we can potentially aid us along the way by using change. As we had a discussion in class about change and how there are plenty of problems and we use our selfs to change the world. People think as a supporter or activist like Selena Gomez who is famous and helps out on her own time by doing what she loves and has a passion for and as well including her singing. But, you don't have to be a popular celebrity, for instance Malala wanted to change her outlooks on how she wants an education and on how women should be considered citizens too. She wasn't the most famous people and she lived in poor living conditions where she was vulnerable and she brought change to many other people and that generates a chain cycle of change. Yes there is many perpetrations and catastrophic tragedies happeing. As the future may look bleak and rumors are going around that WW3 might break out we can use what we have to change our world because we can do what we need to do to make this world a much safer place and beyond. Wanted to write this blog to show my feelings on our world and furture. Bye thank your for reading!
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Stereotypes affecting us
There are plenty of stereotypes out there and that can harm people around the world. I think the main stereotype that I see outside or on the internet is rascim. We all heard about this cruel, foul word and it creates this cycle of animosity and hatred towards others. People in this world see this threat to them and that automatically makes them dangerous just because of their race. Muslim's for instance were in sever danger living in the U.S after 9/11 and people think as them as terriorest, so I feel like society thinks as other races as this malice, notorious race. It also correlates to my reading blog were I wrote about Ask Me No Questions and I discuss about the book and my analysis on it. The quote from the book that I felt like it's inspiring and an uprising is "America in the days of terrorism, orange alerts, and the Patriot Act, and a moving and important story about something most people take for granted-citizenship and acceptance in their country." Again I already stated this in my reading blog but I really do like how the book synthesized with terrorism and acceptance towards people. Overall, plenty and numerous of people are being effected by stereotypes at this second. I hope we can resolve this because the world might be declining into a bleak, crucial, and devastating circumstance. Here is an article describing how to ease stereotypes. http://www.medialit.org/reading-room/how-break-stereotype
Friday, April 21, 2017
Nearing towards the end of middle school
I'm glad I accomplished and completely did what I needed to do for the end of the school year. But, at the same time I do feel sorrow and mourn. After middle schools ends (and summer break) I have to go to high school and possibly face more opportunities and obstacles moments in my life. As I was starting the first quarter I felt cheerful and delighted that high school will be a long way. But, now it's fourth quarter I feel more nervous that the end is nearing and a new fresh start later on my life. I know that I succeeded in what I needed to and go towards. I do like obtaining the nesscary options I have and receiving them with great effort. Now that middle ends and high school nears, I feel a bit joyful but also scared a tad bit. And not just high school but overall thought my life college, careers, relationships etc. I just want something that's best for me and everyone else around me that I cherish. Anyway, I just wanted to write this short blog to show my feeling and perspective towards the end of the school year and my future beyond high school. Hope your enjoy and bye!
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Extraordinary Spring :)
When spring is around the corner I feel jovial, delighted, and thankful that the weather is in it's moderate decent weather. Things I enjoy about spring is the weather, flowers blooming, tress regenerating it's color and the time of Easter. (Well it already past) I also like to be organized when Spring is here. I just like being tidy and clean. I'm not very of an meticulous or scrupulous person but at times I like to be clean. Anyway, beside discussing about Spring, my Easter this year was more interesting than any of the other Easter's I had. Eventually, my mom told me we were going to visit my step family in Indiana. Later they decided to do on Easter since my mom and my stepdad were postponing the trip for a while. Took 3 hours to to depart and go towards my step families house. On Easter we usually go to church, however, we didn't this year since my step family doesn't celebrate Easter. (FYI my step family doesn't celebrate any holidays) I should of expected because I was receiving intimations that my step family doesn't celebrate a thing! I was flabbergasted and distraught but I respected and appease to their beliefs but I would celebrate what I believe. Anyway, I just wanted to talk about Spring in general and my Easter. Bye and have a stupendous day!
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Freedom Writers: Annotations/Thoughts
I would like to say that this was an astonishing, marvelous, and incredible movie on how it discusses some controversial topics. What I noticed in the movie was racism, gang violence, and correlation towards the holocaust. Some of these teens were going through at a young age seeing mortality struck at them and brutal, horrendous images. Some were probably going through depression, anxiety, and other unpleasant factors occurring in there lives. But this one teacher swifted these students towards someone new that will change the, into a terrific person. I really like how this teacher want's to support and actually want to help these students then letting them rot until they parish. I also feel like this relates towards the education factor today of how teachers are not to be friends with you or a great bond. There just there to teach you, but now schools are trying to engage more people with their teachers to have a more healthy attitude. Anyway, this movie made me intrigued to watch more and I was also apprehensive and anticipating that fatality's can occur. The section that made me gasp and think was when the teacher showed them the photo depicting of a black's man corpse dead. She discuss that some harsh things to these students and this teacher cares for these students than just being a regular teacher that doesn't care at if they fail. I also feel that most of the adults in this movie are the antagonist. I thought the students were this negative and notorious entity, but I realized that these adults are not helping them succeed. But this one teacher wanted to change the outlooks on life then there horrid moments they had in their past. Because, they aren't the one's who is malicious the threats in their life are and they change their way not them. If they hadn't had anything that's extremely threating then they will be more of a positive, hospitable people. I feel like overall the movie message was to change your ways before it's too late. Let's face it their are atrocious causalities in our world but we can take minimal steps towards these gigantic catastrophe harms. Overall, I really do enjoy how the movie implemented all these problems from history and today. My final rating on this movie is 10 out of 10! 😄 Here is the website towards the Freedom Writers foundation. http://www.freedomwritersfoundation.org
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Spring break analysis and thoughts
This spring break is nothing extraordinary or phenomenal like my other spring breaks. But it wasn't the worst ones. After that Friday after school I went home and played on my Nintendo Wii U. Waited for mom to get home and I occasionally receive pizza of Friday's. Saturday and Sunday I didn't really do anything just stayed home, expect Sunday I went to the mall and looked around and see if there was anything that intrigued me. Monday is when I went to my Grandpa's apartment to stay with him and bond together with games or eating out to a restaurant. My parents have work so that can't stay with me and do somthing that's entertaining or engaging. However, my mom took 3 days off for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Again Tuesday was the same premise and sequence like the others uninteresting days I has. Wednesday was when my mom stayed home that day and we didn't do anything because it was her one day to relax before going anywhere on her next days off. Thursday came around and my step-dad actually had one day off for Thursday. That's when we went as a family to Walmart and bought our nesscary needs and other errands. Friday is where we went out and watched a movie called Ghost In the Shell. I'II say it was a marvelous and well performed movie that deals with sci-fi, androids like beings roaming the Earth in an slightly realistic furture and betrayal. My mom disliked it and didn't care for it as much as me. After the movie we went around the mall again like Sunday and did the same thing again but we ate a meal and had some pretzels as mini delicacies. After the Friday and Sunday arise. Me and my mom went to the plaza and shopped around for anything for me. We first went to Ross and then Gap where I actually found a decent hoodie that I truely enjoy and found pants, shirts, and just clothes. I don't recall vividly what I did Sunday but I possibly just stayed home and waited for school on Monday and towards 4th quarter and beyond. Well at least through Wensday through Sunday it was spring weather that I care about seeing that the coldness is decreasing and spring accumulating. Thanks for reading my blog about my neutral slightly fun spring break bye!
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Life is bleak and beautiful
I think the similarities comparing to Life is Beautiful and the holocaust is that they both have concentration camps. The holocaust and the movie also describes that they don't want any Jews and has plenty of injuries. Both of the kids and elders die because they were worthless to the Nazis. The movie and the holocaust do have causalities and similar comparisons.
But some differences are that the movie has it's own book. The holocaust does describe that butchers, bakers, and candle stick makers locate and identify the Jews to the Nazis. Children were the main source at maintaining these producers and deveopling to be the most superior race the Aryn race. The movie mostly discusses a point of view from one family while the holocaust discusses about the main point.
But some differences are that the movie has it's own book. The holocaust does describe that butchers, bakers, and candle stick makers locate and identify the Jews to the Nazis. Children were the main source at maintaining these producers and deveopling to be the most superior race the Aryn race. The movie mostly discusses a point of view from one family while the holocaust discusses about the main point.
The tone or mood was that the movie had and jovial and cheerful start then started escalating into more disasters. When the husband and the kid got caught and was taken to the trains as well for the wife. But the humor side was mostly at the start with falling on a person or eggs cracked on someone's head. The mood of the setting or the music can change your perspective and it also correlates to the tone by how high or low the sound depicting that it's a happy or sad time.
I think the aspects of this movie was that love and family can motivated the character more and reunite them together. As the husband uses his voice and plays the music he's calling out to his wife that he needs to be with her. Romance for example brings two people together and creates a child that they both are ecstatic and glad about. Relationships and having a child makes a family and intergrates them to make life spectacular and magnificent for all of them.
I think the aspects of this movie was that love and family can motivated the character more and reunite them together. As the husband uses his voice and plays the music he's calling out to his wife that he needs to be with her. Romance for example brings two people together and creates a child that they both are ecstatic and glad about. Relationships and having a child makes a family and intergrates them to make life spectacular and magnificent for all of them.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Butterfly Effect
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Propaganda Analysis referring to Germany WW2
My illustration or visual I decided on was this photo representing that the Jews were the devil. As I look at the appearance of the photo I was distraught, flabbergasted, and appalled when looking at it. The image had the devil detaching the mask of what looks like the Jews and showing that there the problems causing all these casualties. I'm assuming that the Naiz's wanted to not frightened the citizens but warn them that the Jews are the cause of this. Which convinced plenty of people and they supported the Nazis to defend them from the Jews. I'II say that the audience who is seeing these posters will be the Aryn people and the Nazis who want's to eradicate the Jews. The image also demonstrates the red flames surrounding the entity and the symbol of Judaism which is a 6 point star is on the forehead of the devil. Overall, these propaganda photos are portraying the citizens to be brainwash or letting the citizens suddenly have amnesia and mislead them into something drastic. And most of the images are disappointed and unhappy faces of the Jews even on the photo I'm explaing right now. The mask of the Jews was all a disguise showing that the Jews are this horrible monstrosity.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Distorted World
There was a time when I knew of amity and infamy.
But it faded like the warmth inside a falling corrosive tear.
Is it a crime to see fault in our humanity?
Why do we create this cycle of animosity and hostility, breeding more fear?
My hands are stain with red tangled up yours instead.
There's a devastating pain deep inside of me.
And your're struggling to stay alive.
As the sky goes black there's no turing back.
But if we last I know we'll live to see a brighter tomorrow.
You long to set the world straight.
In this paradoxical and inconsistent world.
But you will fail if you wait or hesitate.
So, take aim and pull the trigger back.
As our bullets are depleting.
Through every fear and insecurity that you fight your
vulnerability is also a might.
Why am I feeling asphyxiation and defamation?
You're giving life to a spark of crimson red.
It burns bright just waiting to ignite.
As our impulse ring aloud.
This turbulent world evolving to a sound of a new beginning.
As obliteration and decimation starts to occur.
Belligerence is an adversary
Mortality leads to more gloom than bloom.
I can feel it waste away inside.
But the fire in me hasn't died.
And I would rather sell my soul.
Than watch it all slowly fade away.
It cries as last, that relentless sound I know so well.
Always deafening but I can never decipher to let go.
Death is fast and you can't restart or change the past.
But it faded like the warmth inside a falling corrosive tear.
Is it a crime to see fault in our humanity?
Why do we create this cycle of animosity and hostility, breeding more fear?
My hands are stain with red tangled up yours instead.
There's a devastating pain deep inside of me.
And your're struggling to stay alive.
As the sky goes black there's no turing back.
But if we last I know we'll live to see a brighter tomorrow.
You long to set the world straight.
In this paradoxical and inconsistent world.
But you will fail if you wait or hesitate.
So, take aim and pull the trigger back.
As our bullets are depleting.
Through every fear and insecurity that you fight your
vulnerability is also a might.
Why am I feeling asphyxiation and defamation?
You're giving life to a spark of crimson red.
It burns bright just waiting to ignite.
As our impulse ring aloud.
This turbulent world evolving to a sound of a new beginning.
As obliteration and decimation starts to occur.
Belligerence is an adversary
Mortality leads to more gloom than bloom.
I can feel it waste away inside.
But the fire in me hasn't died.
And I would rather sell my soul.
Than watch it all slowly fade away.
It cries as last, that relentless sound I know so well.
Always deafening but I can never decipher to let go.
Death is fast and you can't restart or change the past.
Friday, March 3, 2017
A thing I regret
There are many things I regret but I think the one horrible thing I regret is not joining any clubs in middle school. As I transported myself into sixth grade I didn't really care for clubs. As well for seventh grade, now that I'm in eighth grade I'm still pondering if I should go to clubs. The reasons I don't join any clubs is because it takes time from home and I wasn't really interested in clubs since. Now as high school is nearing closer my mom wants me to join clubs that I enjoy. Now that I don't know and I can't identify where to start when I'm in high school. So that's mostly what I regret not joining any clubs my whole middle school years.
Friday, February 24, 2017
A famous person I want to meet
This person named is Shigero Miyamoto who is a video game designer and producer of Nintendo. First, I want to meet him because he is the one who got me interested in video games like Mario. He's the one who first created the super Mario game back in 1998. Actually, Mario first name was called Mario he was called "jump man" yeah I know how ironic. But the other reasons I want to me his and encounter him is to see how it's like to work for Nintendo and how he does his daily routine to go to work and then come back home. I'm also intrigued how he comes up with his fascinating ideas and I want to see what he does for his lesuire time. Miyamoto said "I like to create innovative, new and fresh things for people to use than just a regular cliche video game." I like how Miyamoto is trying what he believes will work than the new trend that people desire more. As how Miyamoto lives in Japan, I will be excited to go there since it's one of my country's I like to visit and explore more of. So going to Japan while also being with a famous producer of Nintendo will let me know more about the country and how Miyamoto works and developments onward. Right now Nintendo is creating the "Nintendo Switch" which is an entirely new console that Nintendo feels like it will be there best seller. Overall I will be glad to go to Japan discussing with Miyamoto. Do you have any people in mind you think you want to meet?
Saturday, February 18, 2017
What's makes me happy!
This blog is deactivated to what makes me being happy!
When I help out people that are in dire need.
Receiving ice cream.
Being with my friends.
Playing my family games.
People making me laugh.
My dog laying with me.
Savoring my favorite foods.
Seeing the sun out.
Being home.
Traveling to new locations.
Being involved into activities.
Playing volleyball.
Seeing other people supporting each other.
My skin healing from my eczema.
Enjoy being around the people I love and overall getting up everyday to a fresh start.
Do you have anything that makes you happy?
When I help out people that are in dire need.
Receiving ice cream.
Being with my friends.
Playing my family games.
People making me laugh.
My dog laying with me.
Savoring my favorite foods.
Seeing the sun out.
Being home.
Traveling to new locations.
Being involved into activities.
Playing volleyball.
Seeing other people supporting each other.
My skin healing from my eczema.
Enjoy being around the people I love and overall getting up everyday to a fresh start.
Do you have anything that makes you happy?
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Valueable or cherisable traits
3 traits that's I think are important to me are academics, being yourself, and perseverance.
For academics I think it's super crucial to read, write and speak. Because how can we speak to others or text a message towards your friends and write a letter to someone you truly care about.
Secondly, being yourself can improve your life with more friends and better cooperation can lead you to being successful towards other being and just being your self helps you comprehend who you are and what others think of you.
Lastly, perseverance can make you a better person by completing or accomplishing the difficult tasks that you might not think you can do but actually can make you more better at being what you really are. And you might find what you enjoy or enhance better by taking on something you can break through and find what you can do.
As I see myself with Nick's life I might not feel or the sorrow that he felt. But, I know that he persevered through him not being able to have legs or arms and for me being able to get where I am now and succeeding that needs that I feel like I need to. That's what I feel like I accomplished but to move forward and beyond to do something more. Here is a link to quotes to inspire you about leading fowards and performing what needs to be done.
For academics I think it's super crucial to read, write and speak. Because how can we speak to others or text a message towards your friends and write a letter to someone you truly care about.
Secondly, being yourself can improve your life with more friends and better cooperation can lead you to being successful towards other being and just being your self helps you comprehend who you are and what others think of you.
Lastly, perseverance can make you a better person by completing or accomplishing the difficult tasks that you might not think you can do but actually can make you more better at being what you really are. And you might find what you enjoy or enhance better by taking on something you can break through and find what you can do.
As I see myself with Nick's life I might not feel or the sorrow that he felt. But, I know that he persevered through him not being able to have legs or arms and for me being able to get where I am now and succeeding that needs that I feel like I need to. That's what I feel like I accomplished but to move forward and beyond to do something more. Here is a link to quotes to inspire you about leading fowards and performing what needs to be done.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Poem: Feeling Melancholy
In between what tomorrow will bring
and the past that leaves.
You're caught in loneliness again
Feeling hemataesis and paralysis.
Now arise, go open your eyes face the dark you despise.
Don't fear the shadows that lurk in the night!
But be aware of the malevolent and notorious entity's.
Still like a doll that's diminishing apart.
This coffin that holds me tight, awakes me to this stillness and feeling more paralyzed.
Immobilized my body rises through the misty unfortunate darkness.
My heart starts beating inside, while I'm profusely vomiting of blood.
Can you see me, can you feel my presence near again?
Grasping at your fingers as the coldness settles in?
There's another you beneath somewhere new.
Down in the depths of the necropolis feeling anguish.
Blood drips from the claws that now long for kill, won't you frown so I've gotten my fill?
Burn it all! Like a game played for fun or as I assume.
Solving a labyrinth to find an agonizing end.
Through the void we despise, we'll refuse to abide.
To the cruel fate that still dooms us to die?
Which is a false, is it me or them?
Repulsing, as if a scream that shredded down to nothing...
As the corruption spreads to claim my soul.
The language that intertwineds, manipulates my body and soul.
Will this be the end or not yet?
To paint the nightmares that'll will bring to life?
Capable of inflicting damage so badly that they're split right in two!
Even so, what is exactly is sin to you?
and the past that leaves.
You're caught in loneliness again
Feeling hemataesis and paralysis.
Now arise, go open your eyes face the dark you despise.
Don't fear the shadows that lurk in the night!
But be aware of the malevolent and notorious entity's.
Still like a doll that's diminishing apart.
This coffin that holds me tight, awakes me to this stillness and feeling more paralyzed.
Immobilized my body rises through the misty unfortunate darkness.
My heart starts beating inside, while I'm profusely vomiting of blood.
Can you see me, can you feel my presence near again?
Grasping at your fingers as the coldness settles in?
There's another you beneath somewhere new.
Down in the depths of the necropolis feeling anguish.
Blood drips from the claws that now long for kill, won't you frown so I've gotten my fill?
Burn it all! Like a game played for fun or as I assume.
Solving a labyrinth to find an agonizing end.
Through the void we despise, we'll refuse to abide.
To the cruel fate that still dooms us to die?
Which is a false, is it me or them?
Repulsing, as if a scream that shredded down to nothing...
As the corruption spreads to claim my soul.
The language that intertwineds, manipulates my body and soul.
Will this be the end or not yet?
To paint the nightmares that'll will bring to life?
Capable of inflicting damage so badly that they're split right in two!
Even so, what is exactly is sin to you?
Super Bowl commercial that has a deeper meaning
questions or thoughts that you want to bring? Bye and hope you enjoy my content! 😉😄😉
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Advice towards the president
For this blog, after Trumps inauguration. I just want to portray some viable helpful tips towards the president. First, don't make faulty mistakes/decisions. If your going to mortify yourself by making one false move. Then I will like to say, just ponder and think what the outcome and catastrophic effects it will have. Before you take out your adversaries and deadly foes. Just please see how it will effect people all over the world. Secondly, don't criticize people. Basically, don't insult them of their ethnicity, religion, and disability or any other part of them they have. If you feel like immigrants crossing the border is a bunch of juvenile delinquents, then you don't see inside them or how they feel. Those immigrants are crossing the border to have a better life or freedom from what adversities they suffer. Anyway, the point is that you have to attcept every one from were they came from or what they have, because I feel like that's not America. I thought American was a diverse country that had freedom and hope, but it turns out to seem bleak and to fear other countries from not coming by. Finally, if you say "let's make America great again." Then, you will commit and elaborate on what will you do to not "make it great again" but to move on from that statement and bring back what America was really for, freedom that immigrants actually convey themselves to America, people feeling open to new things and not conceal in torture, torment, and agonizing fear. Overall, just don't make anything that will change our perspective on you and the world, please don't harm the world...
Here is some information for what Trump will do later on. (sigh) https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/immigration
Here is some information for what Trump will do later on. (sigh) https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/immigration
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Worst Argument
I can recall the last time I had an horrible/profundity argument. Actually I was discussing about today, I was talking to my friend and it was about. Should people show skin off in public or it only applies to beaches or pools? So I was saying that people should not show off more skin then usually only in aquatic areas. My friend stated that there is already people like man disposeing their shirts and being shirtless. He also said for woman, in certain areas that is near the proximity of the pool or beach then it's alright. Then I said that, what if the lady wears her bikini or swimsuit out of public. He was flabbergasted and then said, well I can understand that's inappropriate in a food court or movie.
Then he said how about there's a concession stand at the other side of the road, and the lady want's to cross the other side to get there. I was saying why would there a stand on the other side of the street and not on the beach area. I also said in Lake Michigan, there's a ship that has drinks and foods on the beach section. Then he said, that's what I'm saying, if the lady want's to cross and it's in the vicinity or close by the beach. He also said that it's fine that she is close by. I also said that showing off too much skin can be considered a bit nude but not fully. As we both ramble on and defend our statement we finally agreed to stop and decided that we're getting no were. I did learn that arguments can be interesting and can be countless amount of time talking, but I found it enjoyable to talk specific topics that people debate about and still can't a compromise consensus.
Then he said how about there's a concession stand at the other side of the road, and the lady want's to cross the other side to get there. I was saying why would there a stand on the other side of the street and not on the beach area. I also said in Lake Michigan, there's a ship that has drinks and foods on the beach section. Then he said, that's what I'm saying, if the lady want's to cross and it's in the vicinity or close by the beach. He also said that it's fine that she is close by. I also said that showing off too much skin can be considered a bit nude but not fully. As we both ramble on and defend our statement we finally agreed to stop and decided that we're getting no were. I did learn that arguments can be interesting and can be countless amount of time talking, but I found it enjoyable to talk specific topics that people debate about and still can't a compromise consensus.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
What makes me more confident or have aspects that me more powerful.
What I do well in and succeed more is school. Being taught something then learning how to use it makes me feel like that I'm being educated and powerful. As I started Elementary school and went foward. I struggled through my academics and gain a bit more confidence towards the end of my Elementary years. As I transition into middle school and found out that I am more capable of succeeding. I notice that I can do what I need to become a successful student. As I went into 8th grade I feel like I'm accomplishing math, which was the subject I was most struggling in. As well doing much more better in school than I was before. So I had a confidence boost and feel motivated to do much more. But, the one setback that I still need a bit more working on is my articulation skills or public speaking. As I was kid I was mortify speaking about anything I have to present. But, as the years went by I change from not being as vulnerable to public speaking to defeating this struggle bit by bit. And as I practiced more it wasn't as devastating as I use to know. Overall, I excel in school by doing as much as I can and my flaw is that speaking in public can be tough, but I can pass this obstacle that has been blocking me. Anyway, thank you for reading my blog bye!
Poem: Where I'm From
Where I’m From poem
Beneath the ground
comes a new entire system.
From creative and blooming
bright colors.
Where treasure and life grow.
New and old pity things parish.
They come and go by.
Feeling Remorseless and dread the things that we see.
Conceding the life we desired or want.
Plagiarizing others to be itself.
Nothing to do but make another rebirth.
Replying the lives or recycling them.
Repeatedly ask for more than needed.
As time and illusions integrate together.
The present self and future life may
be a resonance towards one another.
As we may do what we need to.
Where things become bleak.
But, to grow and become what needs to be done.
Beneath the ground
comes a new entire system.
From creative and blooming
bright colors.
Where treasure and life grow.
New and old pity things parish.
They come and go by.
Feeling Remorseless and dread the things that we see.
Conceding the life we desired or want.
Plagiarizing others to be itself.
Nothing to do but make another rebirth.
Replying the lives or recycling them.
Repeatedly ask for more than needed.
As time and illusions integrate together.
The present self and future life may
be a resonance towards one another.
As we may do what we need to.
Where things become bleak.
But, to grow and become what needs to be done.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
My winter break: Christmas/NewYears
This Christmas and New Years was different from the others I had. After I got home before the day school ended, I was glad and jovial that I can have two weeks off of school. As I saw garbage, unwanted dirty dishes, and feces on the floor. (my disgusting dog awww) So I deciced to do my chores since it was the holidays and my mom get's home pretty late. As I finish my chores and wash my hands. I felt genious that I did what I needed and help out my mom by not letting her take a pile of disaster. As Christmas Eve came around I felt a bit remorse. I didn't really know why I felt that way but I know that I had a positive cherrful feeling. But as I said this Chirtmas for me was shifted and twisted then I used to know. I didn't go as usally to my grandparents house and spend Christmas Eve over there. And I didn't get up in the morning on Christmas Day and open my gifts than I was used too. Instead, my family drove to Indiana for this Chirstmas.
This also ties into New Years with my other half of my family. I couldn't really Identify which part of my family I know. As 2016 ended to it's final last days. I was introcuded more into my unknown family. And as 2017 came along I know that I was going to have more relaships with my step-family. When my mom was devorced with my father when I was child, about 3 years old. And as I grew up and moved through my life, so many changes happened to me. But, around the age of 8 years old I actually got to be with my dad more and more. I slept over and had marvelous times with my dad and came back home on the weekends. But one night as I slept over, my dad... filled with rage, anger, and totally misbehavior. I felt frightin at that age and I wanted to go home after that. As my dad heard me telling me that " I want to go back home!" He threw his phone in the small trash can that laid adjacent to his bed. I knew why he threw his phone because he did't want me to call my mom. My dads mom came out of her room and took me with her and explain my dad has been going through advertises at his life. She later called my mom and my mom drove here an hour later. As I saw my mom in the car outside I knew that I felt safe. Ever since today I have my mind ratling if I should go see him again or call him.
Now that I've been expose to my step-family more and more through 2016 and still in 2017. I feel like there is more out there to see and experience. So as I went to Indiana and visit my know new other half of my family. I can see how everyone get's along differently. I also have a step-brother which is interesing because I had 2 sisters and one brother. But my brother and sister are from my dad'a side left me. So now I have my older sister which is from my mom side. So having another sibling is very supportive to have around. He's very meticeulous and immaculate when it comes to clothing. I don't get to see him often, only on the weekends. But as I come to a consensus and a resolution to my blog. I just want to say that 2017 and forward, I'm looking to more opportunities and new fresh things coming towards me. Anyway, thanks if you liked my blog. Do you had any family issues?
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