Thursday, January 12, 2017

My winter break: Christmas/NewYears

This Christmas and New Years was different from the others I had. After I got home before the day school ended, I was glad and jovial that I can have two weeks off of school. As I saw garbage, unwanted dirty dishes, and feces on the floor. (my disgusting dog awww) So I deciced to do my chores since it was the holidays and my mom get's home pretty late. As I finish my chores and wash my hands. I felt genious that I did what I needed and help out my mom by not letting her take a pile of disaster. As Christmas Eve came around I felt a bit remorse. I didn't really know why I felt that way but I know that I had a positive cherrful feeling. But as I said this Chirtmas for me was shifted and twisted then I used to know. I didn't go as usally to my grandparents house and spend Christmas Eve over there. And I didn't get up in the morning on Christmas Day and open my gifts than I was used too. Instead, my family drove to Indiana for this Chirstmas. 

This also ties into New Years with my other half of my family. I couldn't really Identify which part of my family I know. As 2016 ended to it's final last days. I was introcuded more into my unknown family. And as 2017 came along I know that I was going to have more relaships with my step-family. When my mom was devorced with my father when I was child, about 3 years old. And as I grew up and moved through my life, so many changes happened to me. But, around the age of 8 years old I actually got to be with my dad more and more. I slept over and had  marvelous times with my dad and came back home on the weekends. But one night as I slept over, my dad... filled with rage, anger, and totally misbehavior. I felt frightin at that age and I wanted to go home after that. As my dad heard me telling me that " I want to go back home!" He threw his phone in the small trash can that laid adjacent to his bed. I knew why he threw his phone because he did't want me to call my mom. My dads mom came out of her room and took me with her and explain my dad has been going through advertises at his life. She later called my mom and my mom drove here an hour later. As I saw my mom in the car outside I knew that I felt safe. Ever since today I have my mind ratling if I should go see him again or call him.  

Now that I've been expose to my step-family more and more through 2016 and still in 2017. I feel like there is more out there to see and experience. So as I went to Indiana and visit my know new other half of my family. I can see how everyone get's along differently. I also have a step-brother which is interesing because I had 2 sisters and one brother. But my brother and sister are from my dad'a side left me. So now I have my older sister which is from my mom side. So having another sibling is very supportive to have around. He's very meticeulous and immaculate when it comes to clothing. I don't get to see him often, only on the weekends. But as I come to a consensus and a resolution to my blog. I just want to say that 2017 and forward, I'm looking to more opportunities and new fresh things coming towards me. Anyway, thanks if you liked my blog. Do you had any family issues?   

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