Friday, October 21, 2016

Outsiders charater analysis

When one of the characters came into the story. (Johnny) He was the abandoned dog left on the rode. Basically he was found by the greasers. Johnny parents where alcoholic and didn't care what happens to Johnny. I feel really frustrated and disappointed that his parents didn't love him. Johnny sleeps on the lot outside for his own comfort from his parents. Johnny is caring, forgiving, quite, and stands up for people like Cherry. Johnny doesn't swear and uses his language appropriately. A horrifying backstory about Johnny is that this one gang the soc's. A teen named Bod, damaged Johnny in harmful ways that tears him up inside. He had three rings on his arm that Johnny won't forget. Now that Johnny remembers or sees him it hurt's him badly emotionally. But one evening, Ponyboy and Johnny where going to the park. But, got harassed by the soc's. Ponyboy was almost dying by drowning his head in the fountain by the soc's. Johnny decided he had no choice but to kill one the members. "I killed that boy..." He said. So Johnny's life hasn't been the most joyful life as some of ours. Johnny would never turn on anyone. But he had to save Ponyboy. Johnny didn't really had anything to follow. Except his gang the greasers. He follows them as a role model or motivates him. As I read through the end of the book I noticed that Johnny had saved the lives of children. Which shows he cares for one another and not himself in front of danger. But it didn't go well for Johnny. He got caught in the fire and ended up in the hospital. I felt somber when he lied there on the bed. He told Ponyboy that he didn't want to live anymore and the kids lives where more important than his. Later on, he died on the hospital bed. Johnny was an important character to the story that if it meant that if he wasn't there to save those kids.... They would of died. It also effected the other characters when Dally went rampaging and running around the hospital because of Johnny death. Later he killed himself. So Johnny was cared and loved from the gang and will not be in vain.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Throwback/childhood memories blog

When I look back at my memories as a child. I think of my favorite movies, books, games, TV shows etc. To think back when I was a child is pretty hard to remember about. But, I'II try my best. I remember when I watching this bloody gore movie. At the time I didn't really think about the story. I just loved watching the action and the katana slicing the vitamins. (It's a revenge story) I found out it was called "Kill Bill" It released on 2003, which was when I was born, 2003 Feb 28. That influenced my mind to watch and read books about gore, blood, and action. Another movie that made me like sci-fi and aliens invading earth is "War of the Worlds." It released on 2005, so I was still a young baby. It's a disaster alien invade movie that takes one family on a horrible journey. Actually the aliens came from space and forced themselves into these tri-pods that they lay into the earth's ground billions of years ago. And I like seeing society fall apart, building collapsing, people being devoured by the tri-pods. (The machines are not life forms) So I like seeing these types genre's. My favorite author when I a kid was Dr. Seuss. Mostly the book that I kept reading was "Cat in the Hat." I don't know why but I found it funny and interesting to me. As I grew up, I wanted to read  more dramatic and serious books. I also admired other authors that I liked besides Dr. Seuss. But, I think I cover most of my memories. Theirs probably more in my mind, but I think that's a decent amount.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Two tips to be an excellent blogger

I think my first tip that I work on great is decent vocabulary. I don't like using uninteresting words. Here are a few examples. "Happy, Sad, Nice, Funny, Cool, Boring, etc." I like to try some new words that I may know or not. Something that's not a cliche word. I think my next second tip is adding unique comments. Comments that will give you a little thought, and not a comment like "I agree with you or that's so awesome!" It's fine to make a exciting message to that person that you have similarities or a relevant topic with. But, maybe add something why you agree or disagree with that person. You can say why that's so "cool" or "great." Give that person a meaningful conversation. But anyway thanks for reading this blog bye! ;)

Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Trip I want to go to

A trip I wanted to go is Japan. I actually did a project last year about Japan. So I already know about Japan. One thing I want to do there is to see the mountain of Nihon Hyakumeizan that is Japan famous landmark. In the center of Tokyo, there's this tower called Tokyo tower which is also like the Eiffel Tower. It's has a red and white color pattern to it. But, something creepy in Japan that I really don't want to go to is called the suicide forest... People who stay there killed themselves for no apparent reason. But, people do speculate that these spirits are haunting this forest and will not let people leave once they come in. Some people even use tape so they won't get lost. I know, I know  Japan might sound creepy, but I know that's not where I'm going if I decide to go to Japan. Anyway, Japan has some unique foods. They have so much seafood because Japan is surrounded by the ocean. Sushi is what folks like in Japan, but everyone has there opinion. Sushi is a raw fish with vinegar rice and seafood. For sushi you don’t have to have raw fish. You can have boiled prawns and have grilled conger eel. There are plenty of meals like Rice Bowl, Donburi, Rice Balls, Udon, Ramen etc. People in a traditional Japanese home have theses mats called tatami. People use these for martial arts or fighting for soft comfort. When you enter a room with tatami you have to take your shoes off to show respect. But mostly homes in Japan don't have tatami. Something interesting in Japan they celebrate holidays like we do in america. But, they celebrate some other holidays we don’t celebrate. One of these holidays are called Star festival. When the two stars Altair and Vega separated from each other by the Milky Way are able to meet. People usually celebrate by writing one wish on a piece of paper. They hang it on the bamboo tree to hope it will come true. Ok I think that's good enough. That's basically why I want to go to Japan. Thank you for viewing. ;)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Paper Towns: Blog

The moral or the theme is a bit hard to explain. The characters go through problems in this book. Quentin Jacobsen (main character) spent his life with a childhood friend Margo Roth Spiegelman. (I call her MRS for short) Nine years had past and now there in high school. Margo and Quentin haven't talk or see each other for a while. But, one night Margo came by Quentins window and has a plan to do something risky. Margo needed help from Quentin. Margo wanted to get revenge. After the night ends, Margo disappeared. Quentin finds clues and to find Margo. But, as Quentin get's closer the less he sees the girl he knows. I think the theme of this book is chasing after what you want in life, no matter what is left behind. In Paper Towns Quentin is chasing or looking for Margo and is leaving everything behind to find what he wants. Quentin leaves his family and friends. He misses his graduation just to find Margo and he wanted to be with her all along. That's what I think the message of this book is.

In Ten Years...

My goal or where I see myself in 10 years is a veterinarian. In 10 years I don't know what will happen. Mabey my goal or dream is something totally different. But, the reason for me wanting to be a vet is to help animals that need care. Right now, I have a dog named Yankee, age 13 and he is a Yorkie. You can tell he's old and week. His eyesight has decrease over the years. He stumbles into objects and peoples legs. He's not totally blind, but he also can't hear as well either. That's why, I also want to become a vet. To heal owerns pets that are in pain and are suffering.